TV / Social / Print / Radio / COVID-19 Messaging

Trustmark is a regional bank with locations in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Texas. We’ve done work for them on things like retail services, new location messaging, and a brand campaign including multiple television spots. During COVID-19, we also created a new business TV commercial and produced a business radio spot addressing the pandemic.

Mortgage Commercial – How Will You Leave Your Mark?

Social video for myTrustmark mobile app – Free low balance alerts

Business Commercial – How Will You Leave Your Mark?

Social video for myTrustmark mobile app – Easy money transfers

Brand Commercial – How Will You Leave Your Mark?

Social video for overall myTrustmark mobile app benefits

 Print ad featured in the baseball game program for Trustmark Park, home of the Mississippi Braves


Pre-roll video announcing the new Homewood, AL location

During the COVID-19 outbreak, we worked on new messaging that addressed the pandemic. Below you’ll find a new business TV spot that was produced with alternate footage and a new VO, as well as a new business radio spot.

Copywriter: Evan Beasley

Art Direction: Alex Yancy

Creative Director: RT Herwig